To edit a Video:
- Click on the Settings icon from the element's menu (the first icon on the element's menu):
The customizing options are as follows:
- Change video – paste the URL of any valid YouTube or Vimeo stream.
- Control bar – choose among the recommended from YouTube, player experiences of your video:
- Hide – this will automatically hide the video controls (play button, volume control, captions, etc.), so it will not be visible for your visitors even in fullscreen.
- Show – this will show the video controls (play button, volume control, captions, etc.), so your visitors will be able to set preferences.
- Auto Hide – this feature indicates that the video controls will automatically hide after the video begins playing.
- Additional options:
- Autoplay - the video starts immediately after the player loads.
- Loop – the video will play again and again repeatedly. In the case of a playlist player (or custom player), the player will play the entire playlist and then start again from the first video.
- Show titlebar – the player will also display information, such as the video title before the video starts playing.
- Light control bar – the player will display controls using the light theme.